We don't provide any loans through online mobile Apps. Beware of fraudulent loan apps. Grievance Redressal No. 9721277770

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Regulation of Rate of Interest

  • The Company’s Board shall adopt an interest rate model considering assorted factors such as the cost of funds, risk premium, margin, etc., the determine the interest rates for its different loan products and advances.
  • The Company has also drafted a separate “Interest Rate Policy” to lay down the principles and guidelines for determining its interest rates and other charges.
  • The Company shall also disclose to its borrower in the application form, the rate of interest and approach for gradations of risk and rationale for charging different rate of interest to different categories of borrowers. The same shall also be communicated explicitly to the borrower in the Loan Sanction Letter.
  • Information regarding the rate of interest and the approach for risk gradation, or any changes thereof shall also be made available on the Company’s website or published in the relevant newspapers.
  • The rate of interest shall be annualised rate as a measure to inform the borrower about the exact rates applicable to their borrower account.

Data Protection

The company’s borrowings and all its loans to clients shall be on Fixed Rates. SUVIDHAA CREDIT FINANCE PRIVATE LIMITED being a diversified NBFC is engaged in the business of lending money through various products to cater the needs of different customer segments. The primary target audience for the Company’s offerings include:

  • Proprietor
  • Partnership Firm
  • Micro Businesses
  • MSMEs
  • Entrepreneurs

The base interest rate shall be calculated by the Company after taking into account, factors such as cost of funds, margin, risk premium, other costs such as administrative expenses and profit margin. The Company shall also review this base interest rate periodically.

Further, the Company shall determine the interest rate applicable to each loan account based on different yardsticks such as tenure of the loan, borrower’s profile, borrower’s repayment capacity, past repayment track record of the borrower, etc.


The interest rate applicable to different loan products of the Company shall be determined by taking the following aspects into consideration:

  • Tenure and Terms of the Loan: The interest rate shall depend on the duration for each a loan has been extended to a borrower (viz. monthly, quarterly and yearly repayment) as well as the different terms of repayment laid down in the Loan Agreement.
  • Internal and External Costs of Funds: The rate of interest charged shall also depend upon the rate at which the funds are sourced to extend the loan facilities to customers, commonly known as the internal cost of funds.
  • Internal Cost of Operations: The interest rate will also depend upon the Company’s costs of conducting its business. This cost of doing business/operations includes manpower cost, infrastructure cost and other administrative costs. Most of these costs are fixed costs and are committed on the basis of budgeted volume of operations.
  • Credit Risk: Factors such as the complexity of a loan transaction, size of the loan and other factors that affect the costs associated with a particular loan account shall be taken into account before informing the final interest rate to a borrower.
  • Profit Margin: The profit margin is fixed on the basis of the return expected by the shareholders and the risks involved. The profit margin shall be reasonable to attract fresh capital to sustain growth and be benchmarked with comparable companies. A reasonable level of gearing shall be maintained while arriving at the shareholder return. Most nationalised Banks and private sector banks in the country have a steady state of Return on Equity of around 20%. Hence the company also targets a RoE of about 20%.
  • Prevailing Market Practices: The Asset Liability Management Committee (ALCO) may also recommend rate of interest based on the fluctuations in market trends, interest rates levied by other existing NBFCs for similar loan products or services, etc.


Besides interest, the Company will levy additional financial charges suchas loan processing fees, cheque bounce charges, ECS failure charges, penal interest charges, pre-payment/foreclosure charges, late payment fees, etc., wherever considered necessary.